
General Assembly x Octagon Hackathon Winning Solution


Client: Octagon
Outcome: 1st Place
Timeline: 4 Day Sprint

My Role: UX Designer, Project Manager

OmniPass, was our team’s winning solution to the problem space posed in the General Assembly x Octagon Hackathon challenge. SheHacks, a team of 5 women including myself, tackled the issue of creating a safe, contactless check in process for VIP events by developing OmniPass. With our solution users can not only check in safely, but pay for food and drinks throughout the event, and our app can be used for contact tracing. 

Team SheHacks: Kay Chan (developer), Janis Rancourt (developer), Jackie Rider (user experience researcher), and Jillian Berman (data scientist)




"The group did an extremely thorough job of framing the problem statement and devising an innovative solution in the OmniPass application. Utilizing the design thinking process, the group was able to create a solidified minimum viable product in a four day sprint which addressed the desire of a user to check-in to an event, have access to all event details, and the ability to pay on-site without risking their health. Leveraging QR code technology, not only could a user check-in to the event in a safe way, OmniPass also allowed them to pay for things in the same manner, consolidating all touchpoints that originally required human interaction, to now be 100% contactless."

Evan Esposito Director UX/UI Design / Octagon


“SheHacks did an excellent job presenting their product OmniPass! It was a well thought out presentation that detailed everything from user research through live demo. What I really appreciated was the focus on the “Insights to Features” section. This showed me they cared about the user and wanted to ensure they built an app with all considerations included. Wonderful job!”

Sebastian Oddo SVP Innovation / Octagon



In light of the current pandemic, the event space needs to adapt by offering guests a safe, contactless check in process to minimize the Covid risk. 

How might we help guests check in to events without risking their health?



In order to tackle the problem space we not only had to look at what was currently in the market, but also get a sense of how users have entered VIP events in the past and how they feel about attending events now. 

Due to the short time frame we interviewed 5 users with the goal to 

  • Discover their past experiences with check in

  • Understand their current thoughts about attending events in light of Covid

  • Learn what will bring them back


“I never thought about my health at events, until now.”


Some of the insights we gathered were…

  • Users do not enjoy waiting in lines

  • Users worry about lack of cell service and being unable to access their ticket

  • Users think VIP security should be easy and seamless

  • Users expect contactless check in and payment for efficiency and safety



We used our insights to form our persona, Kris, a representation of the average event go-er. 


KRIS | the VIP

  • She loves to attend events with her friends, but stopped going when COVID-19 hit.

  • She wants to feel safe at future events, with nobody touching her phone or ID.

  • She needs to know a venue follows necessary safety precautions so she can relax and have fun.



To understand Kris more, we mapped out her current journey when attending a VIP event.

It is a long journey with many ups and downs… beginning with her getting frustrated because she cannot find information on the safety precautions the venue is taking, to being unable to locate her VIP pass, and ultimately after the event when she hears that a fellow VIP that was in attendance is not feeling well.


(Click to enlarge image)



Prior to beginning a design studio session, we had to organize our insights to see how and what features they could translate to.

Screen Shot 2020-08-15 at 10.30.30 AM.png

With our MVP product features in mind, we were able to jump into a quick design studio. From here, Jackie, our UX researcher, and I were able to converge on the first draft of OmniPass.


Premier Events with Confidence


From here, we pulled together our solution for contactless check-in, OmniPass. Not only can it be used to get into the event itself, but also to RSVP, to view event details, to view your ticket, to get information about the VIP box, and more!

(Click to enlarge image)

(Click to enlarge image)


Our solution, OmniPass, simplifies Kris’s journey and limits her Covid risk. In order to show this visually, we revisited Kris’s user journey prior to OmniPass and updated it to reflect how our app can make her life easier and more importantly, safer.

(Click to enlarge image)



At the Hackathon, we only had 4 days to put together our proposal, so we focused on getting an MVP in front of the judges that properly conveyed the potential for the app. Given more time, there are several items we would like to address, including usability testing and wireframes for more screens. To bring our idea to life when presenting to the Octagon and General Assembly judges we provided a sneak peak of what the hi-fi design would look like.

  • Build out more screens

    • Pay portal

      • Connecting a credit card

      • View balance

    • Past events

      • Event rating

      • Covid reporting

      • Contact tracing and exposure notifications

    • Hamburger menu

      • Account info

      • Settings

      • Log out

  • Usability testing for the mid-fi designs

  • Iterate and test the design as necessary

  • Bring the design to hi-fidelity


Coming Soon: Anti-Racist Guide


Read by JANE